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Upnext Team events

UNSEEN: Paper Dolls" - messages of caring by Roshee 2021"
Roshee is a Ngemba woman who has come through a life of childhood neglect- sexual abuse and homelessness to a strong des...

UNSEEN: Breaking Silent Codes 2021
In conjunction with the 16 Days of Activism- Aunty Dixie Link Gordon- Founder of the Breaking Silent Codes Network- will...

UNSEEN: Dr Emily's Book Art exhibition 2021
Dr Emily's Book Art exhibition is delicate ad fragile just like the story of her life. Coming out was not a difficult ev...

UNSEEN: Exhibitions of First Nations Artist Aunty Peta Link 2021
Participating in UNSEEN was very emotional to begin with- the process of painting my artwork opened old wounds- but on ...

UNSEEN: Evie - nevertheless she persisted 2021
Evie's powerful poetry is unashamedly- confronting- educational- and straight-up with no candy coating. Evie poetry read...

UNSEEN: Sydney Street Choir 2021
UNSEEN is excited that the Sydney Street Choir will be performing at the Arts Hub in Circular Quay. The Sydney Street Ch...

The post show jam: theatre industry night 2021
An after - theatre hang for show folks and their friendsHosted by the Cast & Band from Sydney Musical 'Come From Away'. ...
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