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Trail tutorials: Make reselling your side hustle 2021
As part of Australia's festival of pre-loved stuff this November- Garage Sale Trail and the City of Sydney present the T...

Recycling masterclass: an online information session 2021
To celebrate National Recycling Week- join City of Sydney waste experts in a 30-minute advanced session and take your re...

Be an embodied wealthy woman: 6 weeks program 2021
This program is designed to support you in reaching your full potential and reconnecting to your heart by embodying your...

The Hellenic Initiative Australia 'In Conversation' Series 2021
The Hellenic Initiative Australia invites you to join Dr Albert Bourla- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer- Pfizer- a ...

Australian Pollinator Week: discovering pollinators 2021
Stingless bees- blue banded bees- hoverflies and wasp mimics. Which native bees and other insect pollinators are visitin...

How can finance address climate change? 2021
In public discussion- climate finance is often bandied around with banks positioning themselves as positive actors in ad...

Lunchtime Lecture: German Jews of Persia 2021
In August 2019- Dr. Pedram Khosronejad met some of the 'children' of the German expatriate colony of Persia (Iran) - Aus...
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