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Godwin Laus: Harbour Dreaming 2021
View the latest works by award winning artist Godwin Laus. 'Sydney- being a harbour town- is spacious- surrounded by vir...

Mental health leadership 2021
Join this online event for decision makers from any and every industry who care about their organisation and their peopl...

Members and friends: welcome back lunch celebrations 2021
We're celebrating getting back together over a long lunch.We have planned two extra long lunch dates- featuring special ...

The Cream Experience - the Drey Rollan Group 2021
Music @ Streem Market presents a return to live music. 'The Cream Experience': Drey Rollan - Lozz Benson (the voice) - S...

Hello from the Year 2050: a hopeful future for the planet 2021
Join us for a very special conversation between Sally-Ann Williams- Cicada Innovations and Courtney Hohne- Chief Storyte...

Lamb by Jane Bodie 2021
Riverside Theatres Digital presents Red Stitch Actors' Theatre & Critical Stages Touring production Lamb by Jane Bodie. ...

Melbourne Cup 2021 at Secolo Dining
Join Secolo Dining in Sydney's CBD in their piazza for an open-air Melbourne Cup Day lunch. The Race That Stops A Nation...
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