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Paul van Reyk on True to the Land 2021
Spanning 65-000 years- this book provides a history of food in Australia. Paul van Reyk traces its beginnings- with the ...

Meet The Investors 2021
Hear a panel of investors and female founders discuss their experience of raising capital and network with the startup i...

Dietitian-led Virtual Supermarket Tour 2021
Join us in our dietitian-led supermarket tour in the comfort of your own home. In this one-hour tour- you will learn how...

International Students' Employment Panel 2021
The International Students' Employment Panel 2021 is an initiative of the City of Sydney and its International Student L...

Halloween Trivia Night 2021
Sink your fangs into Waverley Library's first Annual Halloween Trivia Night. You are summoned to take part in this night...

Italian Baroque with Circa 2021
4 bold cities - Florence- Naples- Venice and Rome. Each with its own proud people. Each with its own proud past. Each wi...

Flow Fridays: Halloween Special 2021
The time has come - dust off the ghost masks- pull out the fake blood- face paint and the full package! We are going all...
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