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Jesse Younan tribute show 2021
The Jesse Younan Tribute Show comes to The Great Club- Marrickville for the first time. Now into its' 13th year- the Tri...

Christmas in July Jazz Party 2021
Christmas in July Jazz Party. Celebrate a real wintery Christmas with Susan Gai Dowling- Rebekka Neville- Tina Delandre-...

Mending Workshop with Bronnie Zervos 2021
Do you have that 1 piece of clothing which you dearly love- but you know it's seen better days? Do you wish you had the ...

Learn to skate clinic for kids 2021
This program is based on low-risk- gradated learning- delivered with a balance of fun- skill development and safety inst...

Jean Kittson: We need to talk about Mum & Dad 2021
In this conversation Jean talks with Rabbi Jacqueline Ninio and shares some of her own family's experiences- and talks u...

Piaf- Aznavour & friends 2021
Award Winning Entertainer Milko Foucault - Larche has joined forces with Parisian born Leading Lady Corinne Andrew to cr...

David McAllister and Todd McKenney: Literary Dinner 2021
In-between enjoying a delicious Thai feast- David McAllister (principal dancer and also artistic director of the Austral...
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