Upnext Team

We love helping people

Upnext Team events

Our community Tennis program is designed to introduce adults to the fundamental skills of tennis whilst having fun along...


Woolloomooloo tennis program 2021

Our community Tennis program is designed to introduce adults to the fundamental skills of tennis whilst having fun along...

On June 22- 2011- we launched One Night Stand- this was our first party's opening paragraph...'We're launching a new mon...


Picnic One Night Stand 10th Birthday - Marcellus Pittman 2021

On June 22- 2011- we launched One Night Stand- this was our first party's opening paragraph...'We're launching a new mon...

We've all heard of the elevator pitch: a brief- persuasive spiel aimed at sparking interest in what your startup does.Es...


Antler Lightning Pitches 2021

We've all heard of the elevator pitch: a brief- persuasive spiel aimed at sparking interest in what your startup does.Es...

Fratelli Fresh is the place to be this winter. Our Fratelli Winter Festival is filled with new specials- food celebratio...


Fratelli Winter Festival 2021

Fratelli Fresh is the place to be this winter. Our Fratelli Winter Festival is filled with new specials- food celebratio...

This land was not peacefully settled - Unsettled uncovers the untold histories behind this nation's foundation story.  I...


Unsettled 2021

This land was not peacefully settled - Unsettled uncovers the untold histories behind this nation's foundation story. I...

Moussa Diakete + Wassado Moussa Diakite is a guitarist- singer- and composer born in Mali- now based in western Sydney w...


Live African music 2021

Moussa Diakete + Wassado Moussa Diakite is a guitarist- singer- and composer born in Mali- now based in western Sydney w...

We are thrilled to be working with the families of Hope Street with a weekly tennis program.BaptistCare Hope Street is a...


Baptist Care Hope Street tennis program 2021

We are thrilled to be working with the families of Hope Street with a weekly tennis program.BaptistCare Hope Street is a...

Our beginner photography course will help you understand the basics of light and how your eye fixes lighting. How to get...


Photography workshop 2021

Our beginner photography course will help you understand the basics of light and how your eye fixes lighting. How to get...

Have you wanted to learn to draw people? Come and join in this workshop to help you uncover your artistic talent.The wor...


Life drawing workshop 2021

Have you wanted to learn to draw people? Come and join in this workshop to help you uncover your artistic talent.The wor...


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