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ParkArts - Drawing from Life with Richard Byrnes 2021
In this workshop- students will learn how to approach drawing a face and figure as well as trees and birds in the wonder...

Born of a lightbulb it seemed 2021
A woman lives alone- restless for expression. Staving off loneliness in a world clinging to the idea of Noah's ark where...

But I'm a cheerleader 2021
The AstroTurf is rolled out. Megan is clutching at her suitcase. She is greeted by a group dressed in Adam and Eve-inspi...

Guided Mountain Bike Rides For Beginners 2021
Come on a group trail ride led by our coaches. Our guided rides are designed to help you discover new trails, practice y...

3-year Quiz Anniversary With Ben! 2021
3 Years on we're still bringing you Quiz Wednesdays with Ben at The Greenock! 馃コWe think that warrants a celebration, wi...

Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize 2020 Finalists Exhibition And Sale 2021
Adelaide Parklands Art Prize Exhibition and sale of Finalists works20 March to 8 May 2021 Vote for the People Choice Awa...

Life- Death And Dying 2021
Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, Life, Death and Dying is a ground-breaking contemporary art and fil...
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