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Craig Mack: Is WiFi always the strongest connection 2021
As technology integrates more and more into our lives it brings the world closer- increases our productivity- gives us m...

Create a bee hotel 2021
Sydney area hosts over 200 amazing native bee species- vital for pollination and ecosystem function. BYO lunch and learn...

I Don't Hold a Hose Mate: Leadership and Accountability 2021
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary leadership- but as the planet warms and the pandemic persists- democracies ar...

Kazuo Ishiguro: Klara and the Sun 2021
A master of modern fiction- Kazuo Ishiguro returns with his first novel since being awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Lite...

Rachel Cusk: Second Place 2021
I think this is a moment in culture- generally- where people are suddenly looking again at everything that was accepted...

The Art of the Interview 2021
As a ghostwriter- Sydney Writers' Festival Guest Curator Michael Robotham spent countless hours interviewing subjects in...

The True History of Peter Carey 2021
Few authors wield the skill- consistency and imagination of two-time recipient of the Booker Prize- Peter Carey. A consu...

Who's Afraid of Big Tech? 2021
Join a panel of leading technology experts for a timely discussion about who owns what on the internet - and if they sho...

Are You There- Sydney? It's Me- Judy Blume 2021
For generations of readers- Judy Blume is an icon. Beginning in the late 1960s- her celebrated novels were formative for...
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