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George Miller at Sydney Writers' Festival 2021
George Miller is a legend of cinema. From Mad Max to Babe to the recent triumph of Fury Road (with a Happy Feet or two a...

Great Adaptations: Margaret and David Return 2021
Greatly missed on TV screens- the nation's favourite film critics Margaret Pomeranz and David Stratton reunite in a spec...

Jan Fran & Judith Lucy 2021
Judith Lucy is known as a performer for her radical- even brutal honesty. Over a celebrated career as one of this countr...

Soothe your Soul - soap-making workshop 2021
This unique workshop is led by Wiradjuri educator Renee Cawthorne.Renee will share her knowledge of the healing qualitie...

Sydney Writers' Festival Closing Night Address: David Malouf 2021
I knew that the world around you is only uninteresting if you can't see what is really going on. The place you come fro...

The Creative Hub 2021
This May- Pier One Sydney Harbour is partnering with Goldberg Aberline Studio to help Sydneysiders 'rediscover Sydney' b...

Mason Charleston: I'm Worth It" Single launch 2021"
2 sisters and a British chap make up this musical trio. Pop music with vintage vibes and a modern twist are at the heart...
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