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Upnext Team events

The Garden is an oasis waiting to be explored! We'll wander the garden pathways and visit biodiversity 'hotspots' such a...


Sunset Spotlight 2021

The Garden is an oasis waiting to be explored! We'll wander the garden pathways and visit biodiversity 'hotspots' such a...

Chet Baker's life was celebrated in the 2016 film- 'Born To Be Blue'- starring Ethan Hawke. Chet shot to fame in the ear...


The Rodric White Quartet ft. Ralph Pyl 2021

Chet Baker's life was celebrated in the 2016 film- 'Born To Be Blue'- starring Ethan Hawke. Chet shot to fame in the ear...

Do you dare enter the Garden Gates after dark? Come on a journey along shadowy tree-lined paths- creep past gloomy ponds...


Ghostly Garden for Kids 2021

Do you dare enter the Garden Gates after dark? Come on a journey along shadowy tree-lined paths- creep past gloomy ponds...

Can I drink that? With simple materials and science- we can find out!We'll create a water filter and test its effectiven...


Snack-size Science: Create Your Own Water Filter 2021

Can I drink that? With simple materials and science- we can find out!We'll create a water filter and test its effectiven...

The Michael J Brady Trio are a guitar trio from the Sydney scene.Their tunes bring together open spaces and chaotic swel...


Michael J Brady Trio 2021

The Michael J Brady Trio are a guitar trio from the Sydney scene.Their tunes bring together open spaces and chaotic swel...

From lockdown to the Opera House. After spending a large part of 2020 in a Melbourne lockdown together- Anne & Lloyd hav...


Anne Edmonds & Lloyd Langford - Business with Pleasure 2021

From lockdown to the Opera House. After spending a large part of 2020 in a Melbourne lockdown together- Anne & Lloyd hav...

For those seeking clarity on the year ahead- a Chinese astrologer- will conduct personalised Chinese horoscope readings....


Lunar New Year at the Chinese Garden of Friendship 2021

For those seeking clarity on the year ahead- a Chinese astrologer- will conduct personalised Chinese horoscope readings....

Enjoy the romance of Valentine's Day on Sydney Harbour. Tickets include deluxe canapes and standing mini buffet!3 hour S...


Valentine's Day cruise 2020

Enjoy the romance of Valentine's Day on Sydney Harbour. Tickets include deluxe canapes and standing mini buffet!3 hour S...

Balance Bikes allow kids to have fun-learn balance-speed and cornering without pedals. they simply learn by having fun a...


Balance Bike Clinic 2021

Balance Bikes allow kids to have fun-learn balance-speed and cornering without pedals. they simply learn by having fun a...


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