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Du Choff: Amygdala 2020
Du Choff translates his thoughts- feelings and fantasies into portraits. The amygdala is the centre in the brain that is...

Jake Nowakowski: Neo Pride 2020
The culmination of four years documenting violent race rallies in Melbourne. The rise of far-right- anti-immigration gro...

Odette Cavill - Change Room Series One 2020
After delivering the first online festival in the world in May- attracting 80-000 visits- Head On Photo Festival returns...

Pathways to Reconciliation exhibition 2020
3 exhibitions will be launched during NAIDOC week.These exhibitions will be visible to the community- the works will be ...

Cultural Garden Virtual Tour 2020
Join Christian Hampson for an educational- and interactive tour of South Eveleigh's newly opened Cultural Landscape Gard...

Fresh AF Comedy 2020
A stand up comedy room that focuses on new and emerging comedians- by providing an inclusive space in the re-mapped post...

Sandy Edwards: Showing My Age 2020
A Head On photo festival exhibitionSandy Edwards is known for her role as Director of ARTHERE which supports photographe...
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