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Painting: Introduction to watercolour (16+ yrs) 2023
This fun 6-week beginner course explores the basics of using watercolours, pencil and ink.We will work from still life a...

Pride at The Rocks 2023
The Rocks is about to sparkle with pride and come alive with colour, laughter and dance. The only thing missing is you!C...

The Alice Season 2: Through The Looking Glass (Sydney) 2023
The Alice Cocktail Experience is back for Season 2, which promises a whole new adventure, bigger and better than the fir...

Youth Park-FIT 2023
Youth Park-FIT is a non contact sport and fitness skills session designed to build confidence, support personal developm...

All you need is love...for wine, cheese and art 2023
Enjoy the cultural richness of fine art with an expertly curated selection of cheeses perfectly complement by Cherubino ...

Celebrating Worldpride at The Art Centre of Sydney 2023
This February, Sydney is proudly hosting WORLDPRIDE 2023 and we're going to show our support with lots of Pride Art in a...

Drag SKYWALK & Sip 2023
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the colourful, rainbow history of Sydney? In celebration of Sydney WorldPride, ...
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