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Date Night in Surry Hills, Ages 30-42 2023
CitySwoon is very excited to be bringing our unique, in-person matched speed dating back to the Keg & Brew in Surry Hill...

Lunchtime Zumba Gold Class 2023
Zumba Gold is a low impact class perfect for active older adults, people with injuries or anyone that wants to dance, fe...

Nei Dan Yoga Classes 2023
Embark on a journey to create flow and cohesion.Join Head Academy for Nei Dan Yoga, a fusion of Yin Yoga and Ancient Tao...

Tai chi 2023
Tai chi is healthy ageing program aimed at improving balance and general physical health. The program is delivered by ou...

Too Easy Comedy! Auslan interpreted comedy night 2023
A fully accessible Comedy Showcase featuring professional comedians with lived experience of disability.This showcase is...

Tour of Sentient Paper exhibition (Mandarin-language) 2023
Join Museum Education Officer Jenny Wong for a tour of the Chau Chak Wing Museum's exhibition Sentient Paper in Mandarin...

Celebrate Lunar New Year with Eastern Standard Times 2023
On Tuesday, 31 January, Eastern Standard Times, the voice of global Asian youth uncovering the greatest stories never to...
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