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Chair yoga class 2023
This 1 hour chair-based yoga class is suitable for all levels.Anette is a yoga teacher from Zumba Fiesta, she makes the ...

Chindian Night - A Feast for the Asylum Seekers Centre 2023
For one night only, Sangee's Kitchen and Junda Khoo of Ho Jiak fame will be doing what they do best, which is cooking Ma...

Paul Bangay in conversation with Richard Unsworth 2023
One of Australia's most acclaimed garden designers, Paul Bangay, has a new book out: 'Life in Garden Design'. This illus...

Stitchers at Work 2023
Tatting, knotting, knitting, pin-tucking, crocheting, pinking, stitching, stuffing, embroidering … needles fly when Muse...

Deaf Gain 2023
Deaf Gain is a celebration of the local and national Deaf community. This exhibition serves as a powerful platform for d...

Yorke Peninsula Field Days 2023
Established in 1894 the Yorke Peninsula Field Days are acknowledged as the oldest in Australia.With over 300 exhibitors,...

Adelaide Mid-Century Moderns: Guided Exhibition Tour 2023
Book a guided tour of the 'Adelaide Mid-Century Moderns: Émigrés, mavericks and progressives' exhibition with experience...
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