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Upnext Team events

Citizen science: Conservation on iNaturalist 2022
Science curator Thomas Mesaglio will show us how to use iNaturalist, a social network that allows anyone, general public...

Frozen' ballet workshops 2022
Join us for the magical tale of Frozen. Your child will delight in telling you about all the dancing, craft and games wi...

Mother May We' by Mel Ree 2022
If you're a first generation Australian woman. If you're the daughter of a black mother. If you've inherited their pain ...

Blender 3D Modelling: Virtual Clay (Ages 12-15) 2022
Create using digital clay!Participants will develop 3D modelling skills and explore different techniques to create piece...

Brokenwood wine dinner 2022
Join Executive Chef Francesco Mannelli and Brokenwood Wines for a four-course menu that will take you on a culinary jour...

Bush Tucker Bash 2022
Bush Foods that heal you and feed you at Centennial Park!Take a guided bush tucker tour with Shared Knowledge around the...

Creative Kids School Holiday Silver Jewellery 2022
PrerequisiteThere are no formal entry requirements for this course. You'll be surprised what you can create under the gu...
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