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The Mouth, The Whole Mouth, and Nothing but The Mouth 2022
Do you like music? Do you like music made just by mouths? Come to a night of beautiful mouth music by The Spare Keys, on...

Theoretica 2022
What is this smug, camp dust apparition that only speaks in verse and keeps interrupting? Is escapism really a sustainab...

Waiting in Soho 2022
Join us for the Australian Premiere of Waiting in Soho!Tales of loss, despair, happiness, love, dreams and obsession, Wa...

Watercolour landscapes (16+ years) 2022
Have fun experimenting with watercolour in this fun this one-off workshop exploring contemporary landscape painting tech...

You Know We Belong Together 2022
Coming to the Opera House after seasons at Edinburgh International Festival and London's Southbank Centre, acclaimed act...

Zumba at Juainta Nielsen Community Centre 2022
How It WorksWe take the 'work' out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, c...

Adopt an Alderman 2022
Lisa Murray and Laila Ellmoos will share the joys, pitfalls and many elements of writing a pithy biography of an alderma...
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