Upnext Team

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Upnext Team events

A panel of chemists and social scientists unpack current alternative technologies on the path to decarbonisation and the...


A Disorderly Transition: What Technologies Do We Need? 2022

A panel of chemists and social scientists unpack current alternative technologies on the path to decarbonisation and the...

Have you ever wanted to pick the brains of a Venture Capital expert? Here's your chance. Jenny Li is a strategy focused ...


Ask the Expert: Jenny Li from Scalare Partners Investors 2022

Have you ever wanted to pick the brains of a Venture Capital expert? Here's your chance. Jenny Li is a strategy focused ...

Hear author Rachel Franks tell the riveting true story of the life and deaths of Robert 'Nosey Bob' Howard, the noseless...


Author talk: Rachel Franks with The Uncommon Hangman 2022

Hear author Rachel Franks tell the riveting true story of the life and deaths of Robert 'Nosey Bob' Howard, the noseless...

This is the truffle event you've been waiting for! Beckett's is proud to celebrate the ultimate chef and food lover's in...


BORRODEL comes to BECKETT'S - Truffle Dinner FIRST! 2022

This is the truffle event you've been waiting for! Beckett's is proud to celebrate the ultimate chef and food lover's in...

In Dreams of Flight (Duke University Press, 2022) Fran Martin, Associate Professor and Reader in Cultural Studies at the...


Dreams of Flight - in conversation with Fran Martin 2022

In Dreams of Flight (Duke University Press, 2022) Fran Martin, Associate Professor and Reader in Cultural Studies at the...

The smash-hit musical sensation FANGIRLS, which celebrates the misunderstood power and passion of teenage fandom, will b...


Fangirls 2022

The smash-hit musical sensation FANGIRLS, which celebrates the misunderstood power and passion of teenage fandom, will b...

Join us for a talk with Wendy Sharpe, one of Australia's most acclaimed artists and winner of numerous awards including ...


History Portrayed through Art with Wendy Sharpe 2022

Join us for a talk with Wendy Sharpe, one of Australia's most acclaimed artists and winner of numerous awards including ...

This exhibition comprises two distinct artists - both in their early 70s, and both with origins in Mediterranean island ...


Kostas Kontaxis & Denis Mizzi 2022

This exhibition comprises two distinct artists - both in their early 70s, and both with origins in Mediterranean island ...

Would you like to meet new friends who have interesting stories to tell?Are you fascinated with different cultures and l...


Language Exchange Party 2022

Would you like to meet new friends who have interesting stories to tell?Are you fascinated with different cultures and l...


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