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Upnext Team events

Garden Grubs 2022
This full-day vacation care program is full of fun adventures in the Garden. Kids will spend the day exploring and parti...

NAS School Holiday Workshops - Constructed Cities 2022
Learn how to turn two-dimensional ideas into three-dimensional sculptures by using simple materials like paper, cardboar...

NAS School Holiday Workshops - Wheelthrowing 9-12 y.o. 2022
Spend a day wheel throwing!Experience wheel throwing in this workshop as you develop skills in bracing, centering the cl...

NFT pitch night 2022
Looking to share your NFT project? Want to find a co-founder or meet other people in the space? Hoping to get some feedb...

ProVolley school holiday volleyball camps 2022
Fast track your child's volleyball skills with our volleyball campsThe ProVolley Holiday Camp features a three-day volle...

Tuesday Jazz: the Weird Assembly featuring Tina Harrod 2022
This is a band that will leave you howling for more. Featuring the divine voice of Tina Harrod, backed up by David Weir'...

Witches & Wizards Workshop: create a wand and spell-book 2022
Witches and Wizards unite!Come and join in the school holiday fun. This workshop is designed for Primary School aged chi...
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