5 min read
published: 05 Aug 2022
Visitors to this year’s Ekka are being warned to 'bee' alert, but not alarmed, by the giant-sized insects...they're here to help showgoers learn how to reduce their energy bills, live more sustainably, and make a meaningful, positive impact on climate change.
Nectr’s latest Solar and Solar + Battery energy bundles include competitive electricity rates, premium and performance-based hardware and simple monthly payment plans with contract periods of 3 – 5 yrs (depending on the product). Nectr is also one of the first energy retailers to be awarded Canstar Blue’s Green Excellence Awards – Energy 2022; and is ranked among the top 10 greenest energy retailers in the country, according to Greenpeace’s Green Electricity Guide. And only recently, Nectr was a finalist in Finder’s 2022 Customer Satisfaction Awards Energy 2021/2022 for Best rated electricity provider in NSW and QLD.
At the Nectr stand, in addition to meeting life-size bees, showgoers can also learn about how Nectr’s Solar and Battery system bundles can reduce their household’s reliance on the energy grid. Nectr is also offering showgoers an amazing discount of up to $1,200 off the cost of their system if they request a quote during the 9 days and then proceed to installation.
The Nectr stand at the Ekka will feature:
● Educational information – Tips on saving energy at home, what being ‘carbon neutral’ really means, how households – and the planet – can benefit from cleaner, greener energy.
● Interactive solar calculator – By inputting their home address, showgoers can use the technology to see the potential energy savings achieved by adding solar and view a layout of solar panels on their roof before purchase.
● Kid’s Retreat – Kids will take flight in a Bee Simulator PlayStation game while also learning about the environmental role of bees.
Nectr Chief Marketing Officer, Karren Challoner-Miles, encourages those considering new energy options to visit the Nectr stand at the Ekka to find out how to reduce their energy bills and start their journey to energy independence.
“We understand that the recent spikes in prices have made Australians question their household energy sources and costs, and what new energy options like solar and battery can offer,” said Karren.
“Installing solar panels is the first step to sustainable living. Nectr’s new bundles can help homeowners at all stages of the energy independence journey - whether starting with solar panel installation or installing a household battery for less reliance on the grid. With no upfront costs, the move to renewable forms of energy has never been more affordable.
"We are looking forward to talking to Ekka visitors this year about their individual energy needs, and different solutions to reduce bills in the short and long term.”
Nectr’s tips for household energy saving:
- Lighting: Switch to LED lightbulbs, take advantage of natural sunlight by opening blinds and shutters instead of turning on the lights, get into the habit of turning off lights when you leave a room.
- Heating & Cooling: Adjust the temperature on your air conditioning to 24 degrees Celsius, use fans if you have them, upgrade your insulation and draught stoppers to prevent warm or cool air from escaping, only heat/cool rooms in use, use a heavier doona/blanket at night-time – turn the heat off!
- Appliances: Turn appliances off at the switch rather than leaving them in ‘standby’ mode, choose appliances with high energy star ratings, make sure the refrigerator is well sealed – it can be one of the costliest appliances in a household!
- Washing: Only wash when you have a full load, switch the washing machine off when not in use, where possible, use the power of the sun to dry your clothes rather than a dryer.
- Water: Set a time limit for showers (use a timer if you need to).
For more information about Nectr visit www.nectr.com.au.

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