Category: Kids
Category: Kids events

Zoo on the Move at Vaucluse House 2022
Did you know that the grounds of Vaucluse House almost became a zoo? This January- imagine what could have been if the a...

Ice cream & street art adventure for kids 2022
On this family-friendly experience- you'll discover some of Newtown's best street art- while the kids are kept entertain...

Perth Numismatic Society Coin and Banknote Fair 2021
Money through the ages and around the world.

Hair Of The Dog 2022
Shake off all the hangovers and old habits of 2021 with a new years party at Spring Bay Mill.

Summer at the Sea Museum 2021
With exhibitions- vessels- creative workshops- performances- tours- trails and more at the Maritime Museum- it's a whole...

Fluffy 2022
Fluffy is an immersive family show and free play environment. Matching imagination- art creation and physical performanc...

Picnic One Night Stand: X CLUB 2021
Santa is coming a little early to Tokyo Sing Song this year and we're closing a month of One Night Stand tenth anniversa...
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