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Australian Society of Miniature Art Annual awards exhibition 2023
Miniature art is a unique artform, yet shares all of the best qualities of larger artworks, yet none have a perimeter larger than 40 cm!

Mozarts Great Mass in C Minor 2023
Brilliant conductor Masaaki Suzuki directs Mozart's powerful Great Mass in C minor, showcasing the genius composer at the very height of his powers.

Statement Jack Greens Paintings 2023
There are lots of important sacred sites and song-lines throughout our country... When these places are damaged it hurts us. We feel cut open.'

Young Star at Fremantle Town Hall 2023
Be amazed by the incredible talent of 13 yr old violinist/composer Ellie Malonzo and her fantastic mentor, violinist, violist and conductor Paul Wright.

Dave Hughes - Too Good 2023
Career best form' and 'never been funnier' are two quotes Hughesy has heard about himself recently from other talented comedians.

Sweet and Savoury 2023
Menus are kept as part of the State Library of South Australia's ephemera collection.

The Variety Gala 2023
Adelaide Cabaret Festival's favourite event returns in 2023 with a very special cabaret reunion.
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