Category: Movies

Category: Movies events

After their time at the Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematograficas (IIEC)- Berlanga and Bardem joined ...


The Happy Couple: Free online Spanish movie stream 2021

After their time at the Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematograficas (IIEC)- Berlanga and Bardem joined ...

An umbrella event of the Sydney Solstice Festival. A unique roaring twenties dinner show.Vaudeville brought back to life...


Sorcery & Swing 2021

An umbrella event of the Sydney Solstice Festival. A unique roaring twenties dinner show.Vaudeville brought back to life...

Hollywood has the clout to make- break- and cancel cultures. But what happens when Marvel and Disney turn into political...


Bruce Isaacs: Hollywood Making and Breaking Culture 2021

Hollywood has the clout to make- break- and cancel cultures. But what happens when Marvel and Disney turn into political...

Get ready for fun educative journey based on experimentations and creative activities this July!Recommended for kids age...


Animation and game design camp 2021

Get ready for fun educative journey based on experimentations and creative activities this July!Recommended for kids age...

Jake is heading to his best friend's wedding to be face-to-face with the boy who stole his shine.You know- his sparkle -...


Jake Howie: Sparkle 2021

Jake is heading to his best friend's wedding to be face-to-face with the boy who stole his shine.You know- his sparkle -...

Join us for some fun and exciting activities and workshops at Eastern Gymnastics Academy this April school holidays!Our ...


School Holiday Workshops at Eastern Gymnastics Academy 2021

Join us for some fun and exciting activities and workshops at Eastern Gymnastics Academy this April school holidays!Our ...

Greatly missed on TV screens- the nation's favourite film critics Margaret Pomeranz and David Stratton reunite in a spec...


Great Adaptations: Margaret and David Return 2021

Greatly missed on TV screens- the nation's favourite film critics Margaret Pomeranz and David Stratton reunite in a spec...

Say it out loud. MOVICALS...MOVIE-CALS? Iconic musical moments from the movies. You get it!  Archery Productions present...


Movicals 2021

Say it out loud. MOVICALS...MOVIE-CALS? Iconic musical moments from the movies. You get it! Archery Productions present...

Have you ever wanted to make your own movies? Here's your chance to become a writer- director and film crew- all in one!...


Stop motion animation 2021

Have you ever wanted to make your own movies? Here's your chance to become a writer- director and film crew- all in one!...

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