Category: School
Category: School events

Barossa Year 12 Art Exhibition 2021
A celebration of up and coming artists in the Barossa Valley. View a selection of Year 12 Major Works, exhibited from st...

Mini-Mos Community Fun Run and Fair 2021
Come along to Australia's longest running, consecutively held community fun run

Eureka Day 2021
The Eureka Day School in Berkeley, California, is a bastion of progressive ideals: inclusivity, equality and social justice.

Ceramics art show: Chinoiserie Reimagined 2021
Join Artist Gabby Malpas and ArtSHINE for a high tea as we celebrate the opening of Chinoiserie Reimagined- a ceramic ar...

Experience a thrill of flying trapeze 2021
Have you ever wished to experience the feeling of flying through the air like the acrobats do in the circus? Well- now t...

Emanuel Synagogue presents Health Matters with Hugh Mackay 2021
Emanuel Synagogue presents an online event with Hugh Mackay- who in conversation with Rabbi Ninio- will be discussing Th...

Virtual Talk: A Bloody Good Rant with Tom Keneally 2021
Thomas Keneally has been observing- reflecting on and writing about Australia and the human condition for well over fift...
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