Category: School
Category: School events

AWESOME Festival's Nylon Zoo 2023
These September school holidays, get ready to step into the world of Evelyn Roth's Nylon Zoo Story Theatres presented in...

The future of High School: Mastering the crucial years 2023
If you're the parent of a Year 7-12 student or someone who is about to start the high school journey, you cannot afford ...

Free Stand-Up Comedy Class 2023
This is a free one-hour stand-up comedy class.Taught by leading stand-up comedian Seaton Kay-Smith, this class by the Sy...

Introduction to Data visualisation and manipulation 2023
In partnership with the Sydney University Business Analytics Association (SUBAA), Le Wagon brings you a hands-on worksh...

Lacaton & Vassal: Living In The City 2023
This exhibition encapsulates three years of teaching and research focussed on the Sirius Building and the Waterloo Housi...
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