Category: Theatre and Dance

Category: Theatre and Dance events

Rove is back on stage doing what he does best - making you laugh and keeping it loose.


Rove McManus - Loosey Goosey 2022

Rove is back on stage doing what he does best - making you laugh and keeping it loose.

New mimes, new jokes, same old crazy old Tom. That's right it is a new show.


Tom Walker - Javelin 2022

New mimes, new jokes, same old crazy old Tom. That's right it is a new show.

Whatchu Talkin' 'Bout WIL? is a completely improvised night of stand-up comedy. Every show completely different, made up on the spot with the help of the audience.


Wil Anderson - Whatchu Talkin Bout WIL? 2022

Whatchu Talkin' 'Bout WIL? is a completely improvised night of stand-up comedy. Every show completely different, made up on the spot with the help of the audience.

It's that time of year for our annual Boat Party


Sailing Sounds Boat Party 2022

It's that time of year for our annual Boat Party

Celebrate the opening of the new Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct with a full program of entertainment including cultural and contemporary music, dance, visual and spoken word performances.


KBF Cultural Precinct Launch Party 2022

Celebrate the opening of the new Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct with a full program of entertainment including cultural and contemporary music, dance, visual and spoken word performances.

The influential German composer Mendelssohn blurs the lines between the sacred and the symphonic in his Fifth


Llewellyn Series Redemption 2022

The influential German composer Mendelssohn blurs the lines between the sacred and the symphonic in his Fifth

lub Soda serves up a refreshing and effervescent theatrical delight infused with cabaret, dance and vaudeville, and served with a slice of magic, a twist of circus and a heady mix of comedy.


Club Soda 2022

lub Soda serves up a refreshing and effervescent theatrical delight infused with cabaret, dance and vaudeville, and served with a slice of magic, a twist of circus and a heady mix of comedy.

65,000 years of old-time ways told through now-time circus.


Chasing Smoke 2022

65,000 years of old-time ways told through now-time circus.

Are you looking for 'Things To Do' ideas?

Check out what's on in: March, April, May, June, July, August
Check out what's on in: New York, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane


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