What's on in Adelaide

Libby O'Donovan - Sister Elizabeth 2022
Libby O'Donovan OAM is a nun. After a rebellious act involving prefixes, and a joke played on a humourless institution, she is Sister Elizabeth.

Legally Blonde the Musical 2022
A fabulously fun award-winning musical based on the adored movie.

QuickSteps Glow in the Dark - Salsa and Bachata Party 2022
QuickSteps Dance Studio and Mutati want to welcome you to this amazing party… bring on the Neon Colours outfits.

UNSEEN, UNHEARD, UNSAID - Youth Board Event 2022
An event designed by the MOD. Youth Board with you in mind.

Battle of The Brewers 2022
On pour will be a selection of a total of 7 core range special release brews across both breweries with one extra collaboration brew in the mix.
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