What's on in Camperdown

Aqueous Moments - Photomedia Exhibition by Bernadette Smith 2022
Bernadette Smith's solo photomedia show blends fine art and documentary approaches to photography. Its subject matter is...

Live from the Lab: Gig 2022
Join us on Thursday 18 August 2022 for our special Live from the Lab (LFTL): Gig hosted by Associate Professor Alice Mot...

Trash 2022
Trash is a collaboration between Andriana Carney and Clancy Gibson based on the common link they have found in rubbish.S...

Cats are Family Sydney - Book Launch 2022
Cats can be part of the family and we want the world to see that!We see how much love you have for your fur babies and w...

How AI is changing medical practice 2022
How can governmental and other authorities better support the development of quality AI for diagnosis and clinical decis...

Can there be a different kind of politics? 2022
Can there truly be a reset in how politics is run in this country? How can this new government 'bring people together' b...

Wild weather, lost land and persistent pollutants 2022
The extreme weather events from the past few years have shown that our future depends on healthy rivers, forests, soils ...
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