What's on in Chippendale

Springtime scratch board print (6-9 years) 2022
Scratch board printmaking is a simple and fun relief printing process suitable for all ages.Children will use a scribe t...

Anatomy of a Suicide 2022
A sensation at The Old Fitz in 2019 and nominated for four Sydney Theatre Awards, Alice Birch's award-winning drama, Ana...

Composer/Performer Interface 2022
Boom! International Festival of Percussion presents.The nexus between composer and performer is an all-important one - p...

Diamond Theory: Workshop Presented by Greg Sheehan 2022
Boom! International Festival of Percussion presents.In this 90-minute workshop, national percussion treasure, Greg Sheeh...

Electronica vs/loves Percussa 2022
Boom! International Festival of Percussion presents.Beaming into the Everest Theatre from Melbourne, Australia, internat...

Linocut basics (16+ years) 2022
Get hands on to draw your own unique design and transfer it onto a lino block. Then carve your design into the block and...

CANCELLED Solar plate making & printing workshop (13-17yrs) 2022
Solar plates have a light sensitive photographic emulsion which allows you to transfer original drawings into fine art p...

Improvisation + Comedy Class 2022
These interactive and fun classes will take you through the basics of improvised comedy and how you can use these in eve...

Solarcoaster: Live music in the Sydney Fringe Festival 2022
Solarcoaster is back with another awesome night of music. Come listen to our latest original indie pop/rock bangers (and...
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