Kangaroo Point
What's on in Kangaroo Point

Icc Men's T20 World Cup 2022
The ICC Men's T20 World Cup will be held from 16 October - 13 November 2022 with 45 matches across seven world-class ven...

Maf Walk For Awareness 2022
Australia's biggest walk for mental health, the Walk for Awareness, is back for its 12th year with a mission to encourag...

12th Annual Walk For Awareness 2022
Australia's biggest walk for mental health, the Walk for Awareness, is back for its 12th year with a mission to encourag...

Two Bridges 2022
Experience a unique perspective of Brisbane's two largest bridges. Starting at Captain Burke Park under the Story Bridg...

Brisbane Cupid's Undie Run 2022
Dare to bare and be brave like the children and adults living with Neurofibromatosis (NF).Cupid's Undie Run is a 'brief ...

BEMAC LIVE La Fiesta Latina 2021
BEMAC live presents "La Fiesta Latina" bringing together musicians, singers and dancers from Bolivian and Spanish heritage to the heart of Brisbane.
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