
What's on in Perth

Kids Yoga helps our children find their centre, learning to be mindful and flourish.Kids Yoga - Thursdays 4 pm
Yoga is...


Kids Yoga Course - 4 Weeks with Lauren Rolfe 2023

Kids Yoga helps our children find their centre, learning to be mindful and flourish.Kids Yoga - Thursdays 4 pm Yoga is...

Following their debut at Fringe 2023 and a 5-night run of sold-out shows, the newly formed band Sylvia and The Strangers are proud to present If It Be Your Will: A Tribute to Leonard Cohen.


If It Be Your Will A Tribute to Leonard Cohen 2023

Following their debut at Fringe 2023 and a 5-night run of sold-out shows, the newly formed band Sylvia and The Strangers are proud to present If It Be Your Will: A Tribute to Leonard Cohen.

Goolugatup Sounds is set to bring you an exploratory evening of experimental musical acts and spectacular visual art on 28 July from the beautiful riverside setting of Goolugatup Heathcote Reserve.


Goolugatup Sounds 2023

Goolugatup Sounds is set to bring you an exploratory evening of experimental musical acts and spectacular visual art on 28 July from the beautiful riverside setting of Goolugatup Heathcote Reserve.

Looking for a handy bite to eat in Northbridge? Sauma's got you with our delicious new Handi Lunches.Named for the tradi...


Handi Lunches at Sauma 2023

Looking for a handy bite to eat in Northbridge? Sauma's got you with our delicious new Handi Lunches.Named for the tradi...

Pre-Natal yoga with a qualified instructor is an empowering and positive experience.Our instructors have undertaken spec...


Pregnancy Yoga Course - 4 weeks with Kerry Holborow 2023

Pre-Natal yoga with a qualified instructor is an empowering and positive experience.Our instructors have undertaken spec...

In Catastrophes Renée Newman and Ella Hetherington are brutally honest friends juggling imminent global collapse, parent...


Catastrophes - Renee Newman & Ella Hetherington 2023

In Catastrophes Renée Newman and Ella Hetherington are brutally honest friends juggling imminent global collapse, parent...

Perth / Boorloo will come alive with the FIFA Women's World Cup Fan Festival. Located in the heart of the CBD at Forrest...


FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 Fan Festival

Perth / Boorloo will come alive with the FIFA Women's World Cup Fan Festival. Located in the heart of the CBD at Forrest...

FIFA Women's World Cup Australian matches large and live streaming from the City of Perth Northbridge Pizza Superscreen....


Live on Screen | FIFA Women's World Cup 2023

FIFA Women's World Cup Australian matches large and live streaming from the City of Perth Northbridge Pizza Superscreen....

Time: Thu and Sat from 4 - 7pm (allow an extra half an hour before your next activity)
Start: The green 'Cactus' sculp...


Perth Small Bar & Street Art Tour 2023

Time: Thu and Sat from 4 - 7pm (allow an extra half an hour before your next activity) Start: The green 'Cactus' sculp...


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