What's on in Perth

Line of Sight - Art Exhibition 2023
Line of Sight features works by WA artists Sherylle Dovaston, Lene Makwana, and David Wroth in a fascinating exploration...

Northey Conducts WAYO - WA Youth Orchestra 2023
Australian star conductor Benjamin Northey returns to Perth to join WA Youth Orchestra on stage at Perth Concert Hall to...

Freestyle Kings Live 2023
The Freestyle Kings are back. Their 2023 Live Tour returns to Perth in July with their all new epic show which will leav...

Dinner At Harry's House - Harry Styles Themed Night 2023
Welcome To Harry's House Wednesdays! A Harry Styles-themed night with plenty of great food and character.

Jessie Gordon With the Danny Moss Jnr Quartet 2023
The prolific song writing team of George and Ira Gershwin created the backbone of American popular music.

Dance of Desire 2023
Elegant, enthralling and passionate.Acclaimed French conductor Fabien Gabel returns to WASO to lead this concert of achi...

Taylor Tomlinson 'We Have It All' Tour 2023
Taylor Tomlinson is on her way to Australia for her very first time!Taylor exploded onto the international stage when he...
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