Australia Day 2022: program overview

when: 26 January 2022 | venue: Circular Quay | cost: Free | address: Circular Quay, Sydney NSW 2000 | website:

published: 27 Dec 2021, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


5:30am-6am - Dawn Reflection (First Nations artwork projection and flags raised)

7:30am - 8:30am - WugulOra Morning Ceremony

9am - 10am - The Oz Day 10K Wheelchair Race

10:30am - 4pm - Family Fun @ the Overseas Passenger Terminal

10:30am - 5pm - Vintage Bus Ride

4:30pm - The Lord Mayor's Citizenship Ceremony

8am - 4pm - Daytime Sydney Harbour and In the Sky Daytime Program

1.    Sydney Harbour Splash - 8am

2.    Ferrython - 10:45am - 11:20am

3.    Salute to Australia - 11:30am - 12:05pm

4.   RAAF Fast Jet Fly-past and Handling Display - 12pm

5.   Maritime Mayhem - 12:15pm - 12.30pm

6.    Navy Helicopter flag display - 11:30am - 1:30pm

7.    Australia Day Harbour Parade - 12:45pm - 2pm

8.    Tall Ships Race - 1pm - 1:30pm

9.    186th Australia Day Regatta - 1:30pm - 4pm

10. Working Harbour Festival - 2pm - 4pm

Australia Day Live (Concert and Fireworks) - 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Australia Day Live at Sydney Opera House Forecourt and Circular Quay

(Sydney Opera House place name: Tubowgule meaning 'where the knowledge waters meet')

Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm (Pre-show entertainment from 6:30pm)

Location: Sydney Opera House Forecourt and Circular Quay

Best vantage points: Free limited tickets for the concert at the forecourt will be released mid-January 2022 (until booked out).

Broadcast and ticketed event Watch the fireworks and harbour show from around the Circular Quay foreshore (no ticket required).

Watch magical performances from Australian music legends, backed up by the talented Aussie Pops Orchestra on an impressive stage set up under the starry night sky, and take in the harbour setting to be wowed by the action of incredible performing jet-skiers and fly-boarders.

Throughout the concert, crowds around the Quay will be dazzled as they gaze upwards to a brilliantly synchronised pyrotechnics display that lights up the summer night sky, showcasing Sydney internationally as a major event and travel destination. Paying tribute to the Australian spirit, the Sydney Opera House sails will light up during the show with an array of inspirational images that encapsulate the nation and its people.

If you'd love to be part of the Australia Day Live concert at the Sydney Opera House Forecourt, limited free tickets will be available at from Wednesday, 12 January 2022. If you are lucky enough to score a ticket, we recommend you grab your seat early - as the fun pre-show entertainment starts at 6:30pm and the main show at 7:30pm.

The unmissable Australia Day Live is produced by the Australia Day Council of NSW and the NSW Government and supported by state government's tourism and event agency, Destination NSW and the National Australia Day Council.

More information on ticketing, accessible areas, hosts and the performer line-up will be released in January 2022. Sign up to the Australia Day newsletter for updates and visit

Full accessibility and inclusion details are available at

Go see Australia Day 2022: program overview.

Australia Day 2022: program overview is on 26 January 2022. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Sydney. Call 0421 208 815 for details. Visit their website at

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Event Details

what: Australia Day 2022: program overview
when: 26 January 2022
venue: Circular Quay
phone: 0421 208 815
city/suburb: Sydney NSW

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