Danica Firulovic: The White Square 2022

when: 16 March 2022 - 10 April 2022 | venue: Galerie pompom | cost: Free | address: 2 / 27-39 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale NSW 2008 | website: https://galeriepompom.com

published: 18 Mar 2022, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Danica Firulovic's work has always been meditative, best approached slowly and contemplated. Her work animates whole worlds experienced through the subtle differences of white-on-white, controlled geometry, with the occasional peek at the raw linen below.

Firulovic's exhibition of new paintings synthesises this controlled symbolic language and a commitment to the square in a series titled The White Square. The monochromatic simplicity of the paintings evokes a controlled sensuality that pulses with a quiet, luminous force. White squares, varying in tone, are often framed by internal borders that ground the planes that stop short of the canvas's edge, exposing a margin of raw linen. While certain symbolic elements continue from painting to painting, they never solidify into concrete language.

By cultivating this ambiguity, Firulovic's work questions how meaning is created through the painted surface. With such subtle intonations on offer it is hard not to bring your own meaning to Firulovic's nearly-blank slates. Perhaps this is the work's intent - a brief repose, allowing us somewhere to explore our own contemplations and emotions in a world so overloaded with information and meaning.

Go see Danica Firulovic: The White Square 2022.

Danica Firulovic: The White Square 2022 | What's on in Chippendale

Danica Firulovic: The White Square 2022 is on 16 March 2022 - 10 April 2022. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Chippendale. Call 0430 318 438 for details. Visit their website at https://galeriepompom.com.

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Event Details

what: Danica Firulovic: The White Square 2022
when: 16 March 2022 - 10 April 2022
venue: Galerie pompom
phone: 0430 318 438
city/suburb: Chippendale NSW

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