FREE virtual Tap Dance Class 2020

when: 12 October 2020 | venue: online | cost: free | website:

published: 08 Oct 2020, 5 min read

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Tap Dance with Kelsey - Two Left Feet® ONLINE

Put on your Tap Shoes, flats or dress shoes and get ready to tap your toes and make some noise in our live virtual zoom classes.

The instructor starts each class with a stretch, followed by technique and tap dance combinations. Add a bit of music, follow the teacher and dance! You can use a piece of panelling, plywood or buy a portable or marley floor for best sound and not to mark up your wood floors at home. (Even a large piece of cardboard works in a pinch.)

Class is great for beginners to challenge themselves to learn something new or remember and review tap class from before. Great way to have something to look forward to before the week starts for school or work. Get a little exercise and a good rest for new week ahead.

Kelsey teaches both Kids & Adult Tap and Kids Ballet. She has been teaching with TLFDance in studio and online. Her formal dance training is in both of her favorite styles: Tap & Ballet.

SUNDAYS Teen & Adult 5:45pmET / 2:45pmPT

Class Length: 30 minutes

Instructor: Kelsey

Studio: Two Left Feet® Dance Studio


Price per class: Free for this trial; regular rate is $12/screen (families can join on one screen)


* Sign-in is good for one screen. Families or siblings can join on one screen.

*Sign-up cut off: 90 minutes before class begins.

We will email a class sign-on once we are notified of your registration. Please contact the class monitor if you have not received an email at least 1 hour before class:

Go see FREE virtual Tap Dance Class 2020.

FREE virtual Tap Dance Class 2020 | What's on in Melbourne

FREE virtual Tap Dance Class 2020 is on 12 October 2020. The opening hours are: 5:45 AM - 6:15 AM PST. Conveniently located in Melbourne. Visit their website at

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Event Details

what: FREE virtual Tap Dance Class 2020
when: 12 October 2020
start time/end time: 5:45 AM - 6:15 AM PST
venue: online
city/suburb: Melbourne VIC

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