when: 06 March 2020 | venue: Orange Ex_Services Club | cost: $40 | address: Anson Street | website: https://www.nsw.gov.au/news-and-events/events/let-it-rain-drought-relief-concert/ | tickets: https://oesc.com.au/shows/
published: 03 Mar 2020, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
Summer has been a scorcher this year and whilst the fires have been tragic the ongoing hardship of drought continues unabated in the region.
In response to these tough times local musicians are donating their talents, doing what they do best, lifting spirits and raising money. Let it Rain is a fundraising concert and everyone is invited. All proceeds will be distributed to local, drought-affected farming families.
Join Galumaay, Amy Viola, Andrew and Will Ferguson. Barry Patterson, Cecelia and Rocky Rochelli, Catherine Litchfield, Emerson Miller, Gabe Music, Hughie Brown, Kyle and Holly Manning, Matt Arthur, Melissa Stanford, Pat and Kelly O'Donnell, Robbie Mortimer, Sappirah Knight and Central West Performing Arts.
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Summer has been a scorcher this year and whilst the fires have been tragic the ongoing hardship of drought continues unabated in the region.
In response to these tough times local musicians are donating their talents, doing what they do best, lifting spirits and raising money. Let it Rain is a fundraising concert and everyone is invited. All proceeds will be distributed to local, drought-affected farming families.
Join Galumaay, Amy Viola, Andrew and Will Ferguson. Barry Patterson, Cecelia and Rocky Rochelli, Catherine Litchfield, Emerson Miller, Gabe Music, Hughie Brown, Kyle and Holly Manning, Matt Arthur, Melissa Stanford, Pat and Kelly O'Donnell, Robbie Mortimer, Sappirah Knight and Central West Performing Arts.
Go see Let it Rain - Drought Relief Concert March 2020.

Let it Rain - Drought Relief Concert March 2020 is on 06 March 2020. The opening hours are: 7:00pm to 11:00pm. Conveniently located in Orange. Visit their website at https://www.nsw.gov.au/news-and-events/events/let-it-rain-drought-relief-concert/.
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