when: 17 April 2020 | venue: Cathedral Square | cost: Free | address: Cnr St Georges Terrace and Barrack Street Perth 6000 WA WA | website: https://www.surveyorswa.org.au/
published: 09 Mar 2020, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
Members of the Western Australian Institution of Surveyors will hold a series of interactive workshops where families and children will have the opportunity to use the instruments and experience firsthand the method that surveyors used for the original surveys of the Perth Townsite in the 1880s. They will have the opportunity to participate in a 'survey' as an early surveyor and seeing how it was done when Perth was founded. The Institution members will have the latest surveying instruments on display for the public to see how advances in technology has impacted the method of surveys. Suitable for age 8+.
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Members of the Western Australian Institution of Surveyors will hold a series of interactive workshops where families and children will have the opportunity to use the instruments and experience firsthand the method that surveyors used for the original surveys of the Perth Townsite in the 1880s. They will have the opportunity to participate in a 'survey' as an early surveyor and seeing how it was done when Perth was founded. The Institution members will have the latest surveying instruments on display for the public to see how advances in technology has impacted the method of surveys. Suitable for age 8+.
Go see Perth Wasn't Built in a Day Sensational Surveying, a Life Without Limits 2020.

Perth Wasn't Built in a Day Sensational Surveying, a Life Without Limits 2020 is on 17 April 2020. The opening hours are: Friday 17 April 10am - 3pm. Conveniently located in Perth. Visit their website at https://www.surveyorswa.org.au/.
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