when: 22 June 2022 | venue: Online | cost: Free | address: See event description for details on how to connect. | website: https://sei.sydney.edu.au/ | tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/redefining-who-matters-institutionalising-multi-species-justice-tickets-347722165357
published: 20 Jun 2022, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
The idea of multi-species justice challenges fundamental understandings about who counts, to whom responsibility is owed and how societies ought to be organised in the face of the environmental and climate crisis.
To make a real difference, however, multi-species justice needs to be taken up in actual institutional and social transformation, particularly at a time when we are witnessing heightened social and political conflict as well as significant regressive moves in democracy and social justice across the world.
This panel discussion will reflect on the challenges of institutionalising multi-species justice at a historical moment characterised by both a burning desire to bring about radical change and concerted efforts to wind change back. The speakers will consider key sites of innovation including international laws on ecocide, the expansion of personhood beyond the human, judicial interventions, and democratic experiments. We aspire to provoke a lively discussion about how to navigate a path between inspiring transformative ideals and challenging political realities.
Professor Danielle Celermajer, University of Sydney
Professor David Schlosberg, University of Sydney
Dr Christine Winter, Sydney Environment Institute research affiliate
Associate Professor Nicole Rogers, Southern Cross University
Dr Erin Fitz-Henry, University of Melbourne
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The idea of multi-species justice challenges fundamental understandings about who counts, to whom responsibility is owed and how societies ought to be organised in the face of the environmental and climate crisis.
To make a real difference, however, multi-species justice needs to be taken up in actual institutional and social transformation, particularly at a time when we are witnessing heightened social and political conflict as well as significant regressive moves in democracy and social justice across the world.
This panel discussion will reflect on the challenges of institutionalising multi-species justice at a historical moment characterised by both a burning desire to bring about radical change and concerted efforts to wind change back. The speakers will consider key sites of innovation including international laws on ecocide, the expansion of personhood beyond the human, judicial interventions, and democratic experiments. We aspire to provoke a lively discussion about how to navigate a path between inspiring transformative ideals and challenging political realities.
Professor Danielle Celermajer, University of Sydney
Professor David Schlosberg, University of Sydney
Dr Christine Winter, Sydney Environment Institute research affiliate
Associate Professor Nicole Rogers, Southern Cross University
Dr Erin Fitz-Henry, University of Melbourne
Go see Redefining Who Matters: Multi-species Justice 2022.

Redefining Who Matters: Multi-species Justice 2022 is on 22 June 2022. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Sydney. Call 8627 9948 for details. Visit their website at https://sei.sydney.edu.au/.
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