Riverside Theatres' The Visitors 2023

when: 19 - 21 October 2023 | venue: Riverside Theatres | cost: Members tickets starting from $63 | Non-Members Ti | address: Corner of Church and Market St | website: https://riversideparramatta.com.au/whats-on/the-visitors/ | tickets: https://riversideparramatta.com.au/whats-on/the-visitors/

published: 22 Sep 2023, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Riverside Theatres presents Sydney Theatre Company & Moogahlin Performing Arts' The Visitors, by Muruwari playwright Jane Harrison, from 19 to 21 October.


On a sweltering day in January 1788, seven clan leaders gather on a sandstone escarpment overlooking the harbour. The attendees, six Elders and one new initiate catch up, laugh together, share a meal and compare notes. But beyond the friendly banter, protocols, and hospitality, a momentous decision awaits.

A mysterious fleet of giant nawi is amassing in the harbour, and as they creep closer, these seven representatives must choose unanimously: Should they send these strangers on their way or welcome them?

Go see Riverside Theatres' The Visitors 2023.

Riverside Theatres' The Visitors 2023 | What's on in Parramatta
Image by: Rob Hookey

Riverside Theatres' The Visitors 2023 is on 19 - 21 October 2023. The opening hours are: 19:30. Conveniently located in Parramatta. Call 8839 3399 for details. Visit their website at https://riversideparramatta.com.au/whats-on/the-visitors/.

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Event Details

what: Riverside Theatres' The Visitors 2023
when: 19 - 21 October 2023
start time/end time: 19:30
venue: Riverside Theatres
phone: 8839 3399
city/suburb: Parramatta NSW

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