Ultimate Sleepover Experience - Element Melbourne Richmond 2020

when: 09 October 2020 - 31 January 2021 | | cost: From $169 a night | address: Element Richmond, 588 Swan Street Richmond | website: http://elementmelbournerichmond.com/

published: 09 Nov 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Element Melbourne Richmond is helping you celebrate the end of lockdown, with the Ultimate Sleepover

Experience. Enjoy free arcade games, karaoke and cinema rooms, foodie demonstrations and more throughout the hotel.

The activations will be open between 11am - 10pm each day and guests can come and go as they please while adhering to social distancing guidelines, which will be displayed at each activation (note a maximum of four guests will be allowed in all rooms and the igloos, except the cinema room which can accommodate up to 16 guests).

The karaoke and cinema rooms, igloos, wine tastings, cocktail masterclasses and cooking demonstrations will need to be booked ahead of time and can be done so by calling reception. Schedules for the cinema, wine tastings, cocktail masterclasses and cooking demonstrations are available via reception.

Go see Ultimate Sleepover Experience - Element Melbourne Richmond 2020.

Ultimate Sleepover Experience - Element Melbourne Richmond 2020 | What's on in Melbourne

Ultimate Sleepover Experience - Element Melbourne Richmond 2020 is on 09 October 2020 - 31 January 2021. The opening hours are: 11am - 10pm. Conveniently located in Melbourne. Call 0391128888 for details. Visit their website at http://elementmelbournerichmond.com/.

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Event Details

what: Ultimate Sleepover Experience - Element Melbourne Richmond 2020
when: 09 October 2020 - 31 January 2021
start time/end time: 11am - 10pm
phone: 0391128888
city/suburb: Melbourne VIC

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