when: 06 - 27 October 2021 | venue: Online | cost: Free | address: See event description for details on how to connect. | website: https://www.yoganature.org/ | tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/yoga-nature-10636506983
published: 08 Sep 2021, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
Allow the body to unwind and relax during this gentle restorative class. Practices include simple, easy stretches (which are optional) followed by a longer deep restorative relaxation practice (Yoga Nidra).
Yoga Nidra provides an opportunity to be at rest in any comfortable position including options to be seated on a chair, couch or to sit on the floor in a meditative position of one's choice or perhaps the most favourite and traditional position - the pose of deep relaxation (Shavasana) with the body simply lying comfortably on the back in an easy symmetrical horizontal alignment. During Yoga Nidra there is no physical effort required.
One's attention is simply focused on the guidance provided by the voice of the Yoga teacher alone. These words present stepping stones to encourage and guide one's self towards a deeper sense of ease, peace and tranquillity. Yoga Nidra involves entering the deeper levels of natural harmony available and accessible within one's own being through this simple technique. Ideally where possible, it is best to remain awake and some suggestions are provided to assist avoiding falling asleep.
The guidelines follow a sequence of stages as one moves towards unravelling deeper levels of tension while calming the mind. Themes may include awareness of the natural facets of ones own self including experiences of one's audible surroundings, the experiences of the physical body and areas of held tension. Practices progress into breath awareness and may include gentle visualisations based on the natural world.
During this class there will also be opportunities to reflect on one's: self, social context and opportunities for engagement and interconnection even in the midst of physical distancing. At times reflection may be focused on narratives or themes to promote greater belonging. Towards the end of the class there may at times be opportunities for sharing one's own experiences and views. Please participate in helping to make this a welcoming, inclusive and supportive space for all to share and enjoy in this open community based practice.
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Allow the body to unwind and relax during this gentle restorative class. Practices include simple, easy stretches (which are optional) followed by a longer deep restorative relaxation practice (Yoga Nidra).
Yoga Nidra provides an opportunity to be at rest in any comfortable position including options to be seated on a chair, couch or to sit on the floor in a meditative position of one's choice or perhaps the most favourite and traditional position - the pose of deep relaxation (Shavasana) with the body simply lying comfortably on the back in an easy symmetrical horizontal alignment. During Yoga Nidra there is no physical effort required.
One's attention is simply focused on the guidance provided by the voice of the Yoga teacher alone. These words present stepping stones to encourage and guide one's self towards a deeper sense of ease, peace and tranquillity. Yoga Nidra involves entering the deeper levels of natural harmony available and accessible within one's own being through this simple technique. Ideally where possible, it is best to remain awake and some suggestions are provided to assist avoiding falling asleep.
The guidelines follow a sequence of stages as one moves towards unravelling deeper levels of tension while calming the mind. Themes may include awareness of the natural facets of ones own self including experiences of one's audible surroundings, the experiences of the physical body and areas of held tension. Practices progress into breath awareness and may include gentle visualisations based on the natural world.
During this class there will also be opportunities to reflect on one's: self, social context and opportunities for engagement and interconnection even in the midst of physical distancing. At times reflection may be focused on narratives or themes to promote greater belonging. Towards the end of the class there may at times be opportunities for sharing one's own experiences and views. Please participate in helping to make this a welcoming, inclusive and supportive space for all to share and enjoy in this open community based practice.
Go see Yoga: Deep restorative relaxation with nature 2021.
Yoga: Deep restorative relaxation with nature 2021 is on 06 - 27 October 2021. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Sydney. Call 0409 368 180 for details. Visit their website at https://www.yoganature.org/.
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