Tag: Career
Tag: Career events

Yorke Suites Grand Opening 2021
The Ritchie Yorke Project will unveil a selection of Ritchie's extensive and prized archival collection at the new Yorke Suites,

Adelaide Film Festival Youth 2021
AFF Youth is a celebration of the screen designed especially for young people, organised by the Adelaide Film Festival w...

What's next for the CHSP? 2021
Flexibility and resilience are second nature to the CHSP. But where is the Programme heading- now that the Royal Commiss...

The Sydney International Piano competition 2021
The Sydney International Piano Competition (The Sydney) is holding a digital competition in 2021- with 32 competitors fr...

Leverage the Power of LinkedIn 2020
LinkedIn is an unbelievably powerful tool for individuals and businesses to grow and communicate a brand- connect with inspiring people- develop a cultivated professional network- generate revenue- drive website traffic and much more.In this panel event- we'll be joined by some amazing thought leaders- entrepreneurs and innovators who know how to leverage the power of LinkedIn- and have established themselves as LinkedIn experts. You'll walk away with tips- tricks and strategies to make your own profile standout- and to bring success to your brand or business!TakeawaysHear tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and make it stand outLearn strategies to help you grow your professional network- and understand how this can help your career developmentFind out how you can use LinkedIn to grow your brand- whether personal or businessBriefly explore how LinkedIn can help drive traffic to your website and generate leads and revenue
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