Tag: Climate

Tag: Climate events

Climate change is arguably one of the most important global issues we face this century- so what are governments and ind...


Australia's Energy Future: Shaping a climate changing world 2021

Climate change is arguably one of the most important global issues we face this century- so what are governments and ind...

Litigation on climate is growing- with the cumulative number of climate litigation cases worldwide more than doubling ov...


The law and climate: An address from Justice Brian Preston 2021

Litigation on climate is growing- with the cumulative number of climate litigation cases worldwide more than doubling ov...

Join Use It All authors Alex Elliott-Howrey and Jaimee Edwards as they discuss ways to reduce kitchen waste by using it ...


Use it all with Cornersmith webinar 2021

Join Use It All authors Alex Elliott-Howrey and Jaimee Edwards as they discuss ways to reduce kitchen waste by using it ...

In the lead-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November- the Australian Government...


From denial to delay: Australia's fossil fuel addiction 2021

In the lead-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November- the Australian Government...

The Raising Peace Festival will be held online from 16-26 September 2021 as part of the world-wide observance of the Int...


Raising Peace Festival 2021

The Raising Peace Festival will be held online from 16-26 September 2021 as part of the world-wide observance of the Int...

A panel of activists- artists- Traditional Owners and researchers will examine the fast and slow violence caused by the ...


Protecting Country- or extraction? 2021

A panel of activists- artists- Traditional Owners and researchers will examine the fast and slow violence caused by the ...

Antidote is Sydney Opera House's annual festival of ideas- action and change - is taking place on Sunday 5 September 202...


Antidote 2021

Antidote is Sydney Opera House's annual festival of ideas- action and change - is taking place on Sunday 5 September 202...

A central concept that remains resolutely under-theorised in much climate and environmental scholarship is the capitalis...


Unravelling the Capitalist State: Crisis and opportunity 2021

A central concept that remains resolutely under-theorised in much climate and environmental scholarship is the capitalis...

How can we grapple with the ethical and emotional dilemmas that climate change poses? How do our theories and practices ...


Learning to live with climate change 2021

How can we grapple with the ethical and emotional dilemmas that climate change poses? How do our theories and practices ...

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