Tag: Craft
Tag: Craft events

Revival 2021
The Australian wedding industry generates over $2 billion annually. 116-000 weddings are held per year- with many costin...

Singular Voices: Martha Marlow 2022
With her dazzlingly accomplished debut album- Martha Marlow arrives with an artistic vision fully formed. Drenched in or...

FAVOURITES: Ceramics 2021
The Kerrie Lowe Gallery specialises in ceramics and has recently celebrated their 14th anniversary.We take pleasure in p...

Rusted On 2021
The members of Primrose Paper Arts who share a curiosity and passion for handmade paper- include professional artists- d...

Teach Your Craft 2021
MakerSpace & Co. is excited to be offering this class to all budding makers! Teaching your craft is a great way to add v...

The Art of Kintsugi 2021
Art Kintsugi Sydney is hosting online workshops to teach you how to Kintsugi!To celebrate Sydney Craft Week Online 2021-...
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