Tag: Football
Tag: Football events

7v7 soccer competition 2020
In conjunction with the easing restrictions of the COVID-19 public health measures enforced by the NSW Government and Football NSW- Centennial Parklands Sports Centre (CPSC) are thrilled to re-instate the Friday Night 7v7 outdoor soccer competition.Competition Commence Date: Friday 25 September 2020Competition Duration: 12 WeeksWho can play?: Anyone! Returning teams- new teams and individuals looking to find a teamHow can I register? Click this link to register online NOW!Team registrationThe team captain can register on behalf of the whole team. Ensure they have all contact information ready for each team member prior to registering as part of post COVID practices (more information below).Individual RegistrationUsing the registration link above- create your profile and register as an individual. Staff at CPSC will place you in a social team. Conditions of registrationTo ensure the health- safety and wellbeing of all patrons of the centre- all players must adhere to the following requirements of the competition:All players MUST be registered in the competition. To complete your team or individual registration- please click here.Returning teams are still required to register for this competition. Teams and individuals will not be permitted to take the field of play unless they are registered.All players MUST sign on and list their name on the scoresheet prior the commencement of the gameMatch referees will cross-check player sign on prior to the match commencingAll teams will need to provide their own bibs and or training kitsCOVID-19 measuresSpecific COVID-19 response strategies are in place around the CPSC venues to ensure the utmost health and hygiene practices are implemented. All players MUST obey all signage and engage in the following behaviours-Do not participate in the competition if you are feeling unwell- have COVID-19 symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19Use the hand sanitizers provided around the venue prior- during and post gamesObey all signage and protocols implemented by CPSC that relate to social distancing measures- maximum capacity in certain areas- hygiene procedures- crowd control and spectator managementTo find out more information about the COVID-19 'Return to Sport' strategies please visit the CPSC COVID-19 Website Page or the NSW Government- Office of Sport WebsiteThe staff at CPSC are excited to present the 7v7 Soccer Competition! We cannot wait to see your familiar faces at the centre enjoying the World Game! ⚽We anticipate the competition to fill up quickly- register now to avoid disappointment!  
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