Tag: Job

Tag: Job events

Love. Jealousy. Manipulation. Revenge.After a string of successful Zoom theatre productions during the pandemic, Streame...


Streamed Shakespeare Presents: Othello 2023

Love. Jealousy. Manipulation. Revenge.After a string of successful Zoom theatre productions during the pandemic, Streame...

Are you ready to take the next step in your career journey? Join us at the Careers for Net Zero Fair 2023


Careers for Net Zero Fair Debuts in Melbourne 2023

Are you ready to take the next step in your career journey? Join us at the Careers for Net Zero Fair 2023

Come and join us every Tuesday in the computer room at the Old fire station in Glebe.We will assist with resume writing ...


Resume writing and job finding workshop for all ages 2023

Come and join us every Tuesday in the computer room at the Old fire station in Glebe.We will assist with resume writing ...

For one week only we will be commemorating the life and work of Japanese master filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu. Beginning his ca...


Ozu Week at Dendy Newtown 2023

For one week only we will be commemorating the life and work of Japanese master filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu. Beginning his ca...

Sometimes people are dead before they die. Sometimes they just die.Good Grief is a tragicomic solo show about a complica...


Good Grief 2023

Sometimes people are dead before they die. Sometimes they just die.Good Grief is a tragicomic solo show about a complica...

In partnership with the Sydney University Business Analytics Association (SUBAA), Le Wagon brings you a hands-on worksh...


Introduction to Data visualisation and manipulation 2023

In partnership with the Sydney University Business Analytics Association (SUBAA), Le Wagon brings you a hands-on worksh...

A PYT Fairfield and In Wild Company Productionby Mara Knežević, Josipa Draisma and Sime KneževićThe Hen House is a n...


The Hen House 2023

A PYT Fairfield and In Wild Company Productionby Mara Knežević, Josipa Draisma and Sime KneževićThe Hen House is a n...

If you are a City of Perth resident, join us for a free five-day workshop to help you get a job.Topics include:



Migrant Womens Job Readiness Workshop 2023

If you are a City of Perth resident, join us for a free five-day workshop to help you get a job.Topics include: Res...

Building a business to scale involves creating a brand people love, products that people want and engaging your customer...


The secrets to rapid online growth [webinar] 2023

Building a business to scale involves creating a brand people love, products that people want and engaging your customer...

Are you looking for 'Things To Do' ideas?

Check out what's on in: February, March, April, May, June, July
Check out what's on in: New York, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane


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