Tag: Lecture

Tag: Lecture events

Ancient Egypt is coming back to life at the Australian Museum with a diverse array of presentations and events all designed to give you a richer understanding of this fascinating period.


A Gateway to Egypt programs 2023

Ancient Egypt is coming back to life at the Australian Museum with a diverse array of presentations and events all designed to give you a richer understanding of this fascinating period.

A five-part lecture series that can be enjoyed as a one-off or by subscribing to the whole series.Louise Bourgeois is on...


Learning Curve Lecture series: Louise Bourgeois 2023

A five-part lecture series that can be enjoyed as a one-off or by subscribing to the whole series.Louise Bourgeois is on...

Photographers Effy Alexakis and Yannis Dramitinos join with artist George Michelakakis to individually provide their per...


Thanatos - a group show 2023

Photographers Effy Alexakis and Yannis Dramitinos join with artist George Michelakakis to individually provide their per...

History Council Member Nicole Bracken from Embellish Butterick Couture will be presenting a lecture that details the lif...


Finding a Voice Through Fashion: Charles Frederick Worth 2023

History Council Member Nicole Bracken from Embellish Butterick Couture will be presenting a lecture that details the lif...

In partnership with the Sydney University Business Analytics Association (SUBAA), Le Wagon brings you a hands-on worksh...


Introduction to Data visualisation and manipulation 2023

In partnership with the Sydney University Business Analytics Association (SUBAA), Le Wagon brings you a hands-on worksh...

Speaker: LTCOL John Howells, OAM, RFD.Subject: Solomon Islands - A Target for Dystopian Aggression in the PacificJohn Ho...


Solomon Islands: A Target for Dystopian Aggression 2023

Speaker: LTCOL John Howells, OAM, RFD.Subject: Solomon Islands - A Target for Dystopian Aggression in the PacificJohn Ho...

Join New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra as he guides you on how to wake up to new levels of awareness that ...


Deepak Chopra Awakened Life 2023

Join New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra as he guides you on how to wake up to new levels of awareness that ...

Join professor of architecture Anthony Burke as we explore the extraordinary spaces beyond the traditional art gallery i...


Encountering art in extraordinary places 2023

Join professor of architecture Anthony Burke as we explore the extraordinary spaces beyond the traditional art gallery i...

Join renowned cultural historian Rosamund Bartlett for this four-week lecture series at the Art Gallery of New South Wal...


Rebels, not muses: the women artists of European modernism 2023

Join renowned cultural historian Rosamund Bartlett for this four-week lecture series at the Art Gallery of New South Wal...

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