Tag: Music
Tag: Music events

A Timeless Celebration: A Journey through Eternity 2023
A captivating celebration of Japan's timeless craftsmanship, showcasing treasured antiques, evolving products, and exqui...

The Princess, The Pea and The Brave Escapee - Australian Chamber Orchestra 2023
There is the fairy tale you know and love, a Princess, her very particular Prince, and the pea that made her famous

Australian Chopin Festival '23 - Masterclasses 2023
Bringing the best of Chopin tuition in the world to Australia to connect pianists and music lovers directly to this magnificent tradition.

EverNow Song Circle 2023
Bring the whole family to this free, immersive Noongar celebration.

City Sounds: David Heisner, 29 September 2023
Australian Flamenco guitarist enriched in Jerez, Spain. Studied under luminaries: Manuel Jero, El Perikin, Pepe Morao, Diego Morao, Juan Diego Mateos, and Manuel Valencia. Music fuses cultures, resonates globally.

Dreams & Nightmares: A Halloween Symphony Spectacular 2023
Enter a realm where dreams and nightmares intertwine, as the West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra presents a spine-tingling...

Spankie Jackzon - Just The Tip 2023
The outrageously entertaining debut one-woman show from Australia's Drag Superstar comes to Sydney Fringe...
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