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Day and Night Photography Course 2020
In this fun and creative class, you'll learn to take beautiful photos under a range of lighting cond

CANCELLED Euphoria 2020
We regret to announce that due to the closure of the Adelaide Festival Centre, we are obliged to can

Online exhibition recess presents 2020
For this exhibition, recess draws from diverse points across the lands that make up contemporary Aus

Bloom sings Stevie Nicks, Carole King and Linda Ronstadt Songbook 2020
Stevie Nicks, Carole King and Linda Ronstadt are arguably three of the world's most recognisable voi

Alaska Strikes Back Adelaide 2020
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, on the planet Glamtron a tiny creature was born. Some time

National Wine Education and Training Centre Understanding Wine - Weekend Course 2020
This is a course for people who enjoy drinking wine and aspire to learn more about what they're tast

Exhibition The Mill Showcase 2020
The Mill Showcase is a gallery space dedicated to artists who work in our studio spaces at our Angas
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