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Looking Up: Classical From a New Perspective 2021
Andrew Bukenya- the charismatic host of our popular Thirsty Thursdays- is launching a brand new evening of up close and ...

The Peppercorns: Folksy Wednesdays 2021
The Peppercorns were born and bred in the open expanses of Western Australia- delighting audiences across the state for ...

James Ryan's Soul Jazz Express: Get Funky 2021
This very popular Sydney soul and jazz band has a star studded line up who shake the city with sweet original grooves an...

La Dolce Vita" food & wine tasting at Azzurro 753 2021"
Not many things in life are as pleasing as learning about the Italian culture through the mesmerising world of wine & fo...

#aglassyaffair 2021
This exhibition is well-timed for Christmas- aglassyaffair showcasing par excellence in studio glass from across our bea...

The Australian Ballet: Celebration Gala 2021
Our cities are reopening- and colour and brightness are returning to our lives. To celebrate- we're welcoming you back t...

The Malaysian Fruit Culinary Showcase High Tea 2021
Experience the King of Fruits- the durian and honey jackfruit presented in the most extraordinary culinary event ever to...
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