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Body Blast at KGV 2023
This 45 minute high intensity class is a full body workout that involves cardio to increase the heart rate, and resistan...

Central Park Farmers Market 2023
To Market to Market.Saturday mornings have never looked fresher. With up to 46 market stalls of providors, producers, ar...

Eileen's hour at the Four Pillars Lab 2023
We're back with Eileen's hour.Get flaky on existing plans, because your new plans include celebrating Sydney Streets wit...

Introduction to Watercolour 2023
Welcome to the world of watercolour. You can be a complete beginner or maybe you've got some prior painting experience. ...

Yoga in Nature at Callan Park 2023
Experience the healing and restorative effects of movement, mindfulness and nature connection during our 2-hour program....

Bush Tucker Tour at Callan Park 2023
Take a guided bush tucker tour with Shared Knowledge around Callan Park. Learn to identify seasonal native bush foods, a...

Guitar/Bass Beginner Group Lesson 2023
Last Minute Productions & Music Studio/ Redfern Community Centre presents a free 10 week guitar/bass lesson for beginner...
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